The Green Travel Guide features experiences and destinations certified by Ecotourism Australia at global best practice sustainable and ecotourism standards.
Why travellers trust us
Identify genuine and credible sustainable and ecotourism operators.
Businesses that are certified by Ecotourism Australia demonstrate high-quality environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability principles.
International expectations of sustainability are always increasing, businesses that are certified and listed here continue to keep up to date in maintaining global standard credentials. Sustainability is never complete, the experiences you see here are always improving their sustainability efforts to ensure a bight future for the next generation of people, flora and fauna.
Through regular independent third-party auditing and the use of international sustainable tourism standards, we ensure that the experiences and destinations listed on this website are meeting high-standard tourism operations across 8 sections of criteria:
- Business management and operational planning
- Responsible marketing
- Customer satisfaction
- Environmental management
- Interpretation and education
- Contribution to conservation
- Working with local communities
- Cultural respect and sensitivity
About Ecotourism Australia
As the peak body for ecotourism and sustainable tourism we connect, champion, inspire and inform through strategic partnerships and global best practice standards.
Have feedback on an experience?
If you have had an experience with one of the certified businesses or destinations featured on this website and have feedback to provide us on their sustainability practices, please contact us on 07 3256 6777 or [email protected].